What is a Hotel Management Software?
Hotel Management Software
is used to automate functions like:
Guest bookings
Guest details
Point of sale
Sales and marketing
Accounts receivable
Event Management
of Hotel Software are:
includes pre-booking and booking functions.
for defining what privileges, guest and memberships.
and blocks for large groups of guests with different privileges.
and inventory control monitoring for rooms, amenities and materials.
assigns the access control for each hotel department and other staffs.
custom reports for various outputs in the automated hotel operations.
To automate various hotel
processes HMS is used by using best technology.
Inducing simplicity to
ensure that people are attracted and understand the related technology with
ease not annoyance.
To apply real time
application for all functional areas and easy to configure interfaces to time
and cost saving technologies.
To keep real time records
of all activities including accounting.
System should support
multi-user environment.
Various reports should be
available online at any time as system is fully automated.
System should be capable
to keep trackof all the detailed descriptions of the client and the whole
details of services offered by the client organization.
To manage large volumes
of data with a view to acquire timely
and accurate information.
HMS is a type of properly
management system.
IT facilitates
the management of hotel operations and functions; main operations such as front
office, sales, planning, and accounting.
Hotel Management System
helps to maintain billing and inventory of Hotel.
This software is user
friendly .
It maintains payroll and accounting system of
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